Sunday, June 8, 2014

Flowers on the Wine Porch

I'm back at "Winding Road Cellars" with my iPad on the wine porch and a glass of Chardonnay. I'm currently using the "ArtRage" app and it turns out a "painterly" look as I have done with these geranium flowers. They are placed in an old grape press, where you can see the iron crank at the right. I prefer a much more precise and architectural style but I don't know whether "ArtRage" is the right app for the job. I still like "ArtStudio" better. 

Meanwhile many copies of my winery art book "The Earthly Paradise" have sold at Winding Road and I delivered some more of them for their display. I also placed some at the "Philip Carter Winery" which is next to Winding Road in the beautiful green countryside. My neighborhood in Tysons Corner is getting more and more built-up and I would love to migrate out to wine country and find a place to live. The main problem is finding a job there.

"ArtRage" app on iPad, about 8" x 10", June 7, 2014.

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