Friday, June 13, 2014

Workmen on roof

It's a busy June at my apartment complex as the maintenance prepares to open the pool. The swimming pool usually opens on Memorial Day Weekend but due to snow days at school the kids are not ready to swim yet. Many are still in classes. Meanwhile after the destruction of the Little Red Tree and the replacement of the utility building roof, the workmen are rebuilding a fence and cleaning off all the plastic pool furniture. Then the pool workers will come in and clean out the gunk in the pool left over from last year. This all makes a lot of noise. I don't swim or go in the pool but I love to see the brilliant aqua color of clear water in sunlight.

I did these sketches of the roofers pulling off the old rotten wood and shingles and adding new plywood boards.

Pitt pen on sketchbook page, 5" x 8", June 9, 2014.

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