Saturday, July 12, 2014

Do Not Leave the Mall Until you have made a Drawing.

I have made countless sketches inside my local mall but none this year, so it was time for Mall Drawing. I tasked myself with a challenge: don't leave the mall until you have made a drawing. So in between visits to stores packed with neon-colored goods, I found places to sit and draw. My views this time were a mosaic of geometric shapes, especially with big rectangular advertising banners. The mall seemed more visually crowded than I remember it,  the stores were jammed and I felt a sense of sensory overload both visually and sonically.  There was also the Friday night crowd of wildly diverse and international people, who moved too quickly for me to draw them. 

There are two views here, the top one being across the level horizon of a shiny railing, and the lower one showing the angular canopy of a Japanese snack shop. I did some shopping as well, including yet another orange backpack to put art stuff and iPads in. Then, having achieved two sketches, I was able to leave the mall.

Pitt technical pen ink on sketchbook page, 8" x 5", July 11, 2014.

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