Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cloud Castle Blue

This is a really pretty picture, even if it's tiny. I did it, as I vaguely remember, as a friendship/hospitality gift for some people who allowed me to stay in their home after a convention. The background is airbrushed and the castle is drawn in white acrylic paint, liquefied so I could use it with a dip pen. Nowadays there are some very nice markers which will do the same thing. I also kept myself from adding too many colors into the mix so all you get is blue and white with a touch of purple. I wouldn't mind making some more of these, just for pretties. 

Much vintage art has come to the By-Product this weekend and after because I've been suffering from a dreadful cold that just leveled me over the weekend. It's slowly getting better but I am still not at a normal level of energy. Most unpleasant and not sweet and cloudy.

"Cloud Castle Blue" is acrylic on illustration board, 6" x 9", July 1991.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. I think if you did a series of these small pictures, semi monochrome, you could sell them at conventions and be worth your while!
