Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Electrical Ruins

Rather than faded old pieces from decades ago here is some freshly done Photoshop sketch by-product. I'm inspired here by the photographs of Israeli photographer Nadav Kander, who risked his life to depict abandoned Soviet nuclear test sites and secret military colonies in Kazakhstan. I'm fascinated by these abandoned empty places that are still full of radioactivity and menace. I am glad that someone is daring (or crazy) enough to document these hidden sites, like volcano photographers who go up to the rim of the lava lake, so we image-consuming folk can see what's there while someone else takes the risk. This way, surrealism is realism.

Photoshop, 10" x 7", September 16, 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing the skeletal looking frames here reminds one of decay of a different sort...nature, or in this case, man made technology, stripping a place bare. There is an erriness, truly, to a place, when nothing but a skeletal frame is left. I enjoyed seeing that here, and again, that feeling was well portrayed here. It's like the bones of a place (Say, I like that!) hee hee
