Friday, September 19, 2014

More Ruins

Here's another sketch inspired by the photographs of Nadav Kander. I'm not including a link to Kander's website. If you go there, you will see his photographs in glorious wide-screen high def, but in doing so his site will EAT YOUR BROWSER. The Kander site takes command of all your windows and re-sizes them and you can't escape. At least this is what happened to me. Not as bad as the Russian police arresting you for trespassing, but it took me long minutes just to figure out how to exit the website. So I'll just keep drawing my own images of ruins and getting surrealistic. There's a long tradition of picturesque or gloomy ruin painting which I love, so there's a lot more I'd like to depict. And I won't have to breathe radioactive dust in the nuclear desert.

Markers and Photoshop on sketchbook page, 7 1/2" x 4", September 18, 2014.

1 comment:

  1. I love ancient, dark ruins, as well :) The ancient, eldritch energies contained therein fascinate me to no end :)I enjoyed the portrayal here of that. You did it well, especially the toppled pillars. That always captures the feeling of that the best, I think ;) Listening to "Una Voce - As Shadows Point Forward" at stillstream as I see this pic is a yummy combo. You know me and synchronicity and symbols, right? hee hee
