Monday, September 15, 2014

Morning Glory Cape

In 1991 I did a series of costume concepts for "CostumeCon," a gathering for costume lovers that is occasionally held near enough for me to go to it easily. I love designing costumes for all types of character including art-nouveau-ish outfits based on flowers. The "Heavenly Blue" morning glory is one of my favorite flowers so I designed a cape in the colors of the flower which could go over a white Victorian gown. The blue predominates but there are white rays through it and at the neckline which would be the center of the flower is a touch of gold evoking the flower's yellow center. There would be quite a lot of fabric in this cape because its pattern if laid out flat would be almost circular, like the morning glory. That shade of blue is hard to find in real fabric and the "Morning Glory Cape" was never built.

Watercolor and ink on illustration board, 7" x 10", February 1991.

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