Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Summer's End

Back in 1998 - that's 16 years ago, folks - I filled my journal-book with "reality drawings" in ink and colored pencil. Nowadays I save that style for my winery and landscape drawings and I fill my journal with doodles or experiments using markers. In 1998 I didn't have my huge library of markers to work with. What you see here, under that date in September, is a view of some corners of the swimming pool in back of my apartment building. It has been decommissioned and partly drained, and leaves are starting to cover the water's surface. Other than the water level, the scene is nearly identical now. The pool keepers have drained most of the water, leaving a puddle which will soon be completely covered with autumn leaves. It wasn't much of a summer anyway. The pool was only open for two months since there were so many snow days for the schoolchildren to make up, the pool being open only when there was no school. I don't mind, since I don't swim in the pool and the splashers in the pool made a lot of screaming noise which I heard when I was home. Not much of a summer, only a handful of thunderstorms. I'd migrate to a place which has perpetual summer, except for one major thing: without winter, grapevines don't grow or thrive. 

Ink and colored pencil on sketchbook page, 5 1/2" x 4", September 12, 1998.

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