Monday, October 20, 2014

Autumn Leaf Study 2003

No little ink for today, instead here's one of my many studies of foliage, this one dating from 2003. In that era I had an extensive set of Pitt brush markers in natural earth-toned colors. These markers claimed to have pigment ink which would make the colors less fadeable. I did many sketches with these markers (which are still being made) but found that although the colors didn't fade as much as other dye-based markers, the colors changed inside the pen so you never quite knew what color was going to come out when you used the pen. I used to have a sample page taped into my marker box so I could view the current state of each pen. Anyway I got quite a lot of sketches out of these pens before they began to dry up. I wouldn't invest in them again; I put my marker money into the expensive and majestic line of Copic markers, which are still fadeable dye. Confessions of a marker addict.

No By-Product will be posted from 21 to 28 October as I am going up north for this fall's parental care visit.

Fall leaf sketch is markers on sketchbook page, 4" x 6", November 2, 2003.

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