Friday, October 17, 2014

Little October Inks

Some of my fellow artists online are doing an art challenge called "Inktober" where you draw at least one ink drawing a day during the month of October. I've already done a number of little inks this month, such as "Ms. Pumpkin" and my water bottle, so I might as well continue. While I was waiting for my car to have its regular maintenance done, I did this sketch of part of the Springhill Road Station on the new Metro line. I had a good vantage point, on a table in front of a restaurant, but much of the modernist urban train line was obscured by trees in front of the big highway, so this is all I was able to see. Also it's getting a little cold to do outdoor drawing, at least for me. Other stalwarts draw outside all year long, even in sub-freezing weather.

Not enough drawing for Inktober? Here, have another. At work I noticed that pumpkins were selling so fast you could say they were "flying out of the store." So here's the flying pumpkin. What, a pumpkin can't fly on such little wings? Neither can a bumblebee, or so they said before it was discovered that the bumblebee wings can bend and thus haul more air freight.

Brown or black technical pen ink on sketchbook page. Upper drawing, 4" x 3 1/2". Lower drawing, 3" x 2". October 16, 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you were inspired by "Inktober" and have decided to participate. The first sketch is interesting, it looks almost dangerous because of the angles and perspective. The flying pumpkin is cute...maybe you could do a bat winged jack o lantern next?
