Thursday, November 27, 2014

Flowers of 1986

Orange and blue are my favorite colors, and as complementary colors they look great together. My old residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts had a large backyard and lots of small garden spaces, where I grew plants which flowered in my favorite combination. These little bouquets (only a few inches tall not counting the vase) came from my very own outdoor city garden. The flowers are marigolds, bachelor's button, ageratum, lobelia, and nasturtium. I have tried to grow flowers in containers on my urban balcony here in Northern Virginia but none of these varieties survive. It is just too hot and dry on the terrace so all I can successfully grow are cacti and succulents, the occasional zinnia, and wild phlox. 

Brown technical pen ink and watercolor on sketchbook page, about 7" x 9", August 1986.

No By-Product for the next few days as I will be at the venerable "Chessiecon", formerly known as "DarkoverCon," in the Baltimore area this weekend.

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