Thursday, November 6, 2014

Roomscape October 2014

Some of the details of a classic 1950s mid-century modern ranch house are still visible in this drawing I did of the living room I grew up in. The black area with "curtains" in front is a real fireplace that, if its chimney were in working shape, would burn real wood. The curtains are made of metal mesh that protects against sparks or popping wood. I spent many a warm winter night in front of this fireplace, despite its wastefulness by modern standards. Note the mantel and fireplace surround, made of white-painted brick. Metal fireplace tools hang from a central rod topped with a trefoil, at right. Nowadays homes are still built with fireplaces but they are fueled by gas. I find it interesting that no matter how modern a residence is, the designers often include a symbolic fireplace with symbolic flames. 

The bag on the metal rods in front of the fireplace is my mother's crewel (wool thread) embroidery. She hasn't worked on it for a long time. There are books everywhere in this intellectual family's house. To the left is an old portable radio. I would do a lot with this space if it ever comes to me. 

Pitt black technical pen ink on sketchbook page, 5" x 6 1/4", October 27, 2014. An "Inktober" drawing.

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