Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Warm Day in December 1984

On December 29, 1984, an odd thing happened in eastern Massachusetts. The usual winter weather was replaced with balmy temperatures in the 70s. Winter turned into early summer, just for one day. The high of 73 degrees that day is still a record. Naturally, I took advantage of this anomaly to go out drawing on the sidewalks again, as I had been doing throughout the year. This is one of the drawings I did on that day. It is an excellent porch (note the wavy shingle work on the lower roof) done in the late afternoon as the sun was setting. The drawing is in a reddish-brown ink which I used in a Rapidograph technical pen. As with most of these color sketches, I added color notes in water-soluble colored pencils and finished the piece in the studio.

Ink and watercolor on sketchbook page, some color restoration in the sky with Photoshop, about 7 1/2" x 9 1/2", December 29, 1984.

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