Tuesday, January 20, 2015

2 Cambridge Girls

I didn't just draw houses when I went on my neighborhood sketching expeditions. Children often came up to me to watch me draw and sometimes asked me to draw them. This pair of girls asked for a portrait together, so I sat them down and drew them in pencil, and finished it in watercolor in the studio. I don't know whether they were sisters or just friends.They were about 11 or 12 years old, maybe younger. I photographed the painting and then gave the original to the girls. I don't even remember their names, though I may have it written down somewhere. I wonder whether the original art has survived and what the girls look like now, and whether they still are in contact with each other. They are now in their forties. 

Watercolor on Canson paper, about 7" x 5", c. 1979.

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