Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ellemir of Darkover

I stand on a plastic box (used as a step stool) and look at a big closet shelf filled with ARCHIVAL STUFF. What exactly is all this stuff? I haven't looked at any of it for years. All of the folder covers are unmarked. That is not helpful. Note to archivist: write the year and date of the archive unit on the cover and/or spine of the portfolio book. I grab one at random and find a lot of small art from the 1980s. This lovely lady (all ladies in fantasy are lovely) was a piece of character fan art from the Darkover world. It was printed in a fan magazine which was made out of paper. Somewhere in another closet is the magazine and all its companions, each with art by me in it. 

I never made it to the higher levels of illustrative art doing book covers, collectible cards, game illustration, or interior illustrations. By 1993 I knew that I would have to do something else. I did a lot of very nice collectible art in the 1990s. I have not been doing a lot of fantasy or fine art in the 2000s, for many reasons. This makes me depressed. I would like to do more. I am not talking about sketch art like my winery art, which I seem to be able to continue doing, probably because it is small and not done in the studio. I hope there is some sort of solution that would make it possible for me to do art again. Meanwhile I will open some of those books and folders and all that stuff and see what's in them.

"Ellemir" is ink on illustration board, 3" x 5", summer 1983.

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