Thursday, January 29, 2015

Winter branches 1998

I must have had a load of time back in 1998, because I was able to do a fully rendered color illustration on every page of my sketchbook journal. I had a lot of time but I also remember complaining that I was not "busy" enough and that I was not working hard enough to compare with my friends' "hectic" lives. Because if you had a "hectic" lifestyle you were earning your keep in society. It's still true I guess and I am still putting an illustration on each page of the journal but this year's format is brown ink monochrome as you may have noticed.  As for these winter trees, the view is the same and will probably be the same for a long time, unless climate change brings tropical foliage to Northern Virginia.

Markers and colored pencil on sketchbook page, 4" x 4 1/2", January 13, 1998.

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