Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Gabriel the Blue Fiberoptic Angel

There are some changes going on in my life, and I can't talk about them here right now. But one of these changes is allowing me, at least for now, to go back to painting and making art like this guy up above. I painted this "FuturIkon" or futuristic icon back in 2001 as a commission for my friends and collectors who already owned my images of the other three Archangels. This is Gabriel, patron of Telecommunications, holding a satellite dish and surrounded by sine waves, fiberoptic cables, and microchips. Since Gabriel is also the angelic patron of Water, you see a lot of blue with waves and ripple textures. I am currently back to angelic art for a major commission. None of these could be considered "By-Products," they are major pieces though not "fine" art, they are somewhere in between fantasy and gallery. Stay tuned for more angelic art as well as other stuff I've been waiting to work on for years.

"Gabriel, Patron of Telecommunications," is acrylic on hardboard, 11" x 14", summer 2001. Click for larger view.


  1. Not sure I remember seeing this one, I love it of course, the colors alone make me like it. The details make it even better. I am glad you are painting again and have a commission. And why would you say it is not fine art? As far as I am concerned it certainly IS!

  2. I enjoy how you integrated the traditional elemental aspect of this particular angel into the work, and it lined up well with your own interpretation. There is a very cohesive theme achieved in this one. Nice work!
