Sunday, February 15, 2015

Naked in Winter

"Naked in Winter" sounds awful cold doesn't it. Well it isn't me and my friends who are naked but the vineyard and winery, Naked Mountain. We went there on "Wine Saturday" for a feast of Naked Mountain's famous lasagna, washed down of course by their excellent red wine. There was a real wood fire and lots of people enjoying good taste. I did this iPad study of the view from the wine lodge, one I have drawn in many seasons and light conditions. I'm pleased that I was able to reproduce the muted colors of the winter landscape with accuracy. There's a lot more to draw at Naked Mountain as they have built a new "Barrel Barn" for more tasting and dining space.

"ArtStudio" app on iPad, added to in Photoshop, February 14, 2015.

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