Friday, February 13, 2015

The Alchemical Christ

I've produced a number of explicitly Christian art works, although not too many recently. My experiences of Christian life range from Eastern Orthodoxy to Roman Catholicism to American evangelical Bible-believers. I've painted icons but they do not follow Eastern Orthodox standards by any means. This icon, "Alchemical Christ," unites the spiritual discipline of alchemy with icon-making. It is based on the Eastern Orthodox "majesty" design, with triangular symbols for the Four Elements in the corners. Water is blue, Earth is green, Fire is red, and Air is yellow. The oval in which Christ is enthroned is called a "mandorla," which means "almond" or "almond-shaped." The writing "IC XC" at the top is an abbreviation for "Iesous Xristos" in Greek meaning "Jesus Christ." The book held by the Lord says "I am the light of the world," from the Gospel of John, chapter 8 verse 12. 

This icon is also un-orthodox because it was created with cut colored paper rather than on a panel with paint. I wanted a flat pattern-like surface with bright colors. I cut and assembled paint-coated papers and added details in acrylic paint. I used metallic foil for the halo. Nowadays this would be done digitally with no paper involved.

"Alchemical  Christ" is cut-paper collage with foil and acrylic paint on illustration board, 11" x 14", February 1988.

1 comment:


    As the bishop of the Recovery Churches of America, (, I think your pictures rock! I have had personal experiences with the angels, particularly Raphael and Michael and they look just like them. I would dispute your picture of Uriel though, because that looks more like Jophiel, the Beauty of God who often appears as a Native or Black woman who guards Nature. Society sees her as the Christmas angel who is with the Lion and the Lamb too. She is also the Angel of Prosperity.
    Uriel is the Angel of Science, Discernment and Knowledge. He holds Fire and Light in his hands to denote the light of learning and he is also the Angel of the Sun.
    The others of the Seven Who Stand are: Chamuel, the Archangel of Forgiveness, Repentance and Metanoia. He comforted Jesus in the Garden and leads people to atonement and accountability. Then there is Sabbathiel, he is often called Michael's Shadow Twin in that he operates quietly. He is the patron of spies and investigators who reveal corruption. Ezekiel Chapter 8 speaks of him showing that prophet the hidden wickedness of Israel. He protected the spies who came to the Promised Land and helps humans uncover corruption. So there are the Seven Who Stand. In folk art of the comics, they are reflected in the Justice League of Superman (Michael), Gabriel (the Flash), The Green Lantern, (Uriel), Wonder Woman, (Jophiel), Raphael, (Aquaman) Sabbathiel, (Batman) and Cyborg or The Martian Manhunter (Chamuel). In Marvel they are the Hulk,(Michael), Iron Man, (Gabriel), Thor, (Uriel), Captain America, (Raphael), the Black Widow or Captain Marvel, (Jophiel), Hawkeye, (Chamuel) and Nick Fury, (Sabbathiel).

    Don't sweat the anti-Christian folks. Do your art as you are led. Once again-you rock!!!
