Monday, March 30, 2015

Castle Stasheff

I've been toiling diligently on my upcoming book cover for "The Warlock is Missing" by Christopher Stasheff. It is due in early April, which begins this week, and an added anxiety factor is that my mother is in declining health currently in a nursing home. It is possible I will not be able to finish this illustration, which will lose me a lot of potential jobs for the Stasheff series as well as with other publishers and clients. Once I return to Massachusetts to take care of my mother (or say goodbye to her) I will be out of art action for many weeks and not be able to do any work on this piece as I don't have the digital resources to complete it...laptop is probably not suitable. I still have about 4 or 5 days' work left on it. 

What you see here is an excerpt from the background of the cover illustration. It is all in Photoshop with some underlying work in ink, scanned in. The white areas on the bottom are unfinished. I really hope I can get this done and sent to the publishers before my mother takes a turn for the worse.

Photoshop, excerpt from work in progress, March 2015.

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