Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Goodbye Trader Joe's

I turned in my note of resignation from Trader Joe' s on Tuesday, March 10. I started in the fall of 2003 as a sign artist, and have had many experiences there, both good and not-so-good. When changing conditions made it too difficult for me to continue doing my work there, I realized it was time to go. I made many friends among the crew and customers and hope that I'll be able to stay in touch with these folks.

I made this sign in 2004, when Trader Joe's criteria for large wall signs were more liberal. The hokey slogan was given to me by the assistant manager of the time, who was a barrel of laughs. He is long gone from the organization but the work I did for him, and all my other managers, remains in my digital image files. 

Acrylic on hardboard, 40" x 30", 2004.

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