Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pretty Boy of Darkover

Oh you Darkover fans I certainly wouldn't miss a day's posting on the "By-Product" when Regis comes around. Regis Hastur, tall, noble, magical and of course flame-red-haired (IN FANTASY REDHEADS RULE) popped up in many a Darkovan tale. Popped up in more senses than one considering how much erotic fan fiction was written about him. Fan art with Regis as subject was sure to sell. Girls and boys both liked him. Also he was weird, he had six fingers on each hand because he was part humanoid alien. He was Darkover's Prince Charming so here he is again. I'd love to colorize this piece but believe it or not I have plenty of work to handle so it will have to wait. 

Also there is yet another crisis with my aged mother's health so I will try to keep posting as long as I can before I am called to Massachusetts to do whatever it is they want me to do there. 

Regis is black ink on illustration board, about 4" x 5", June 1982.

1 comment:

  1. Yet another wonderful black and white by you! I would love to see it in color as well, but the black and white is great on it's own.
    Sorry about your mother, nothing much I can say other than that.
