Monday, March 23, 2015

Warin de Grey

I produced two portfolios of black and white fan art in 1981. One was from Marion Zimmer Bradley's "Darkover," and the other was from Katherine Kurtz's "Deryni" world. I copied the drawing pages on a photocopy machine and sold the folios at conventions, innocently unaware that I was violating copyright. I sold a lot of them before I was requested to stop. I still have some of them somewhere, probably where I stuffed all the other fan art and magazines I illustrated.

This fellow, Warin de Grey, is a minor yet memorable character in one of Kurtz's books. He led an anti-Deryni movement, condemning those with magical powers, despite having magical powers of his own. The original is a black ink drawing, and I just colorized it in Photoshop. It is an experiment to see how these old ink drawings look with colors. It's the style I would want for a Deryni graphic story or novel, should I ever have the privilege of creating one. I'm heavily influenced here by the work of the brilliant, and somewhat tragic graphic artist Barry Windsor-Smith.  

Warin de Grey is black ink on illustration board, 4 1/2" x 4", colored in Photoshop, 1981/2015.

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