Monday, May 11, 2015

Industrial Patterns 4

I've been so distracted and drained by the family needs these days that I have not managed to produce drawings or doodles on the pages of my sketchbook. Right now my dwelling is strewn about with things that I brought back from my stay in Massachusetts and dropped on the floor. What kind of things, as my mother would say. She has a way of "interrogating" me for specific details on any generalizing statement I make. Well, there's dirty clothes, books, reel to reel tapes, hotel swag such as coffee packets, soaps, shampoo and conditioner bottles. There are palette trays, overnight and tote bags, magazines, toys, shoes and boots, and piles of collected mail and bills. 

Nevertheless I insist that art be made in this mess and so I am processing all this stuff bit by bit, while resuming working on the projects that were interrupted for a month and more for the parent care mission. And the parent care mission is not by any means done. I have to explain to an increasingly senile mother that she needs a live-in caretaker lest she forget to take her pills or have a fall or forget to eat. Just because thousands, perhaps millions of offspring all over the developed world face these challenges taking care of aging parents, does not mean that my own attempts are any less difficult. 

So I'm back to the studio for the moment, and I'm filling in my sketchbook with illustrations. I left places on the pages to put a drawing while I added my journal entries. The subject of the illustrations has nothing to do with what is going on in my journal, so I can put anything there. The 2015 theme is "Industrial Patterns," so here's another one.

Brown tech pen ink on sketchbook page, about 4" x 4", May 11, 2015. Blue color added in Photoshop.

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