Friday, June 5, 2015

Domes and Banner

I've used this domed church image before. I love the grand cornices and the interlocking domes and arches. This is from Saint Genevieve's, a neoclassical church in Paris built in the later years of the eighteenth century. The architecture is based on Later Roman models, a church of Empire rather than pasture. I added the red banner to give it a bright accent. There is a church like it in the Washington, DC area, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. This is also an Imperial church, finished in the 1960s just before the old empire crumbled. I have been in there drawing but that was a long time ago, and that part of DC is very hard for me to get to given traffic and parking conditions. Maybe I can hitch a ride with a chariot someday.

Brown technical pen ink on sketchbook page, red color in Photoshop, 3" x 5", June 4, 2015.

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