Monday, June 1, 2015

More Starbucks People: Hair or Not

My local Starbucks is filled with fascinating-looking people. I'm sure they do fascinating things too. The African lady at left was wearing a fabulous hairdo of bunched braids, not sure whether they were real or not. She was wearing a little black dress and glitter sandals and was typing into a computer. Meanwhile next to her was a bald dude with a scrubby beard in a faded T-shirt on which were printed frogs and other pond life. I tried to guess their occupations. Was she a financial advisor? Lawyer? Lobbyist? And was he a biological scientist of some kind, or science teacher or writer? I hope they didn't know I was drawing them and if they did, won't find a way to see the drawings and this text. 

Black technical pen ink on sketchbook page, additions in Photoshop, 5" x 6 1/2", May 31, 2015.

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