Thursday, September 17, 2015

Crane Base

They've been building up Tysons Corner into a big city for more than a decade now, and there seems to be no end to it. Now that the Metro runs into and through the area on its spectacular elevated railway, high rise city buildings are popping up all over the area. You can build high rises in Virginia but not in the District. Many of these are residence towers with apartments and condos STARTING at a million dollars apiece. The draw is that you can get to your lobbying job in DC from Tysons on the Metro without using a car. What an exciting prospect.

This drawing depicts the base of a construction crane somewhere in Tysons Corner, or "Tysonia" as I call it. It's Just a mile or so from my lobbyist-free residence among the immigrants, legal or not, who make this city possible with their toil in construction, maintenance, landscaping, transportation, restaurants, cleaning, and all the rest of those things you may not notice.

Black ink on sketchbook page, 4 1/4" x 5", August 1, 2003.

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