Saturday, September 26, 2015

Lord Charles of the Dark Forest

I seem to be in a modern Medieval phase right now due to my work with Stasheff's "Gramarye" tales and Katherine Kurtz' "Deryni." Back in my Cambridge days I went to a few "Society for Creative Anachronism"  ("SCA") events, to draw people in costume. This modestly turned out fellow was named, in the SCA world, "Lord Charles of the Dark Forest." He was playing the role of a woodsman of some kind, though, not a Lord. I was dressed up too, in a simple black robe and hood imitating a religious devotee. I drew whoever would pose for me, and most of the people at the event were happy to pose. I chose the best outfits to draw. The SCA is still active after all these years.

Pencil on sketchbook page, 4 1/2" x 7 1/2", early 1980s.

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