Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Michael the Space Jesuit

A while back you saw my cover for the electronic edition of Christopher Stasheff's "The Warlock Heretical." I also do at least one character portrait for the edition so this is the one for "Heretical." It depicts Father McGee, a spacefaring Jesuit who is the head of the science-fictional religious order, "Saint Vidicon of Cathode." I used a real person as the model here. This is one of the Three Michaels who I know read this Blog. This Michael is a real Jesuit currently posted to the Boston area. He is a science fiction fan and would love to go into space as a Space Jesuit. At least I think so. Many years ago I made up a spacefaring religious order based on the Jesuits but their membership had both males and females. Here you see the Stasheff character pointing to the schismatics and bringing them back into the mainstream. He has the Engineer's Pocket Tools in his coverall pocket, and brings with him the Holy iPad with the Sacred Text Message.

Ink on illustration board, about 3 1/2" x 7", November 30, 2015. Stasheff Editors Please don't use this image in the book, it's too low resolution. I shalt e-maileth thee the proper depictment.

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