Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Arterra New Vineyard

Last year in November the Wine Team visited "Arterra Wines" in the hills of Delaplane, Virginia, where we enjoyed wine and scenery. I did one ink drawing of the fancy woodwork inside their lodge but didn't have the time to draw the view from out on their deck. This is the view I missed, depicting a new vineyard just planted. The baby vines will yield their first wine-able grapes in about 5 years. I have been wanting to do a color rendering of this scene for months but due to the family situation I was not able to dedicate enough time and energy to it. So today I managed to do the drawing - from memory. Memory drawing is not as immediate as on-site drawing but it's more "authentic" than drawing from a photograph. I will be interested to see how close I got to the actual view which was captured in a friend's camera. Sometimes I think that art should be so "realistic" that it is just a hand-done form of photography, depicting the subject exactly as it is seen.

Colored pencil on sketchbook page, 7" x 5", January 13, 2016.

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