Sunday, January 24, 2016

Colorless Blizzard of 2016

"Weather Control" delivered an entire winter's worth of snow and wind in one weekend. Fortunately we in the affected area were all well-stocked in the "white stuff" (milk, toilet paper, yogurt, bread) and our power did not go out. So I sat in my art studio and sketched the snowy scene outside my warm den. This view is not intentionally monochrome, that's the color I saw there. I am always aware how lucky I am. Many of the people in the Northern Hemisphere do not have a warm den to hide in nor enough supplies when the weather turns bad. So I can now add hypocritical social concerns to my repertoire as I draw with my stylus on that expensive computer.

Photoshop on Cintiq, 11" x 8 1/2", January 23, 2016.

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