Thursday, February 25, 2016

City of Light revisited

Back in thrilling 1995 I painted one of my "fantastic cities" paintings for a private client. I filled the scene with wild and fanciful buildings, each one in a different color and style. I called it "City of Light" and based it on the ancient Persian mythology of the bridge from earth to heaven that the soul crosses. You can see it on my website in the "Fantastic Cities" section. 

For this current assignment which is a book cover, there are many fanciful buildings described so I have brought back some of the ideas from "City of Light." The yellow round thing at the right is not a Ferris wheel but a cybernetic halo around the head of an artificial intelligent robot horse. You'll see it all in a few days when I'm done.

Photoshop on Cintiq, about 5" x 5", February 2016. 

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