Sunday, February 14, 2016

No Day Without a Line

There's a famous motto, originally in Latin and attributed by Pliny the Elder to Apelles, a famous artist of the classical world. "No day without a line." That is, always draw something every day. A lot of the time that's what this Blog is about, showing you my "Drawing of the Day." It's a good thing for an artist to do, whether they are amateur or professional. Doing the DotD (Drawing of the Day) makes me feel like I have been Productive, even if it's only a drawing of a bank waiting room or the stuff on my kitchen table, which is what this is. The box contained four tiny chocolates and was given as a Valentine's Day gift by a friend. It is sitting on a Japanese ceramic tile given by another friend. So the ordinary kitchen table stuff means more than just a random drawing, even if my perspective is skewed.

Technical pen black ink on sketchbook page, about 4 1/2" x 5", February 13, 2015.

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