Saturday, April 16, 2016

Kallitechnia Ogre Doorway

My "Kallitechnia" client encouraged me to adorn the buildings with not only florid Art Nouveau stylings but with grotesque molded ornament and carvings reminiscent of native Mexican colonial art. This doorway, an "Ogre Doorway," is a good example of the grotesqueries. Not only does it have "eyes" and a "mouth" (in which a girl is standing) but over the doorway is a carving of a grinning brute humanoid monster. As you will see, these "ogres" are a part of Kallitechnian customs, one of the more bizarre features of that world that Mr. Client created.

Those who know my own imaginary world may ask why the Noantri don't build their buildings like this. My answer is simple: they have better taste and a more minimalist aesthetic.

Black ink on illustration board, 6" x 9", September 1996.

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