Monday, April 25, 2016

Winding Road in Monocolor

With the coming of warmer weather I am back outside drawing pictures of wineries and their buildings and landscapes. Today on "Wine Sunday" instead of the usual Saturday, I went back to "Winding Road Cellars," my winery "base of operations," where I drank new as well as familiar vintages. With a glass of their "Tribute" red blend I took myself to a picnic table behind the wine lodge, a view I had not drawn yet. It was just a little chilly but very clear. This is my drawing from Sunday, done in a nice sepia monocolor. This is drawn in colored pencil, right? Nope, it's iPaddery.  

"Autodesk Sketch Pro" on iPad, finished with Photoshop "ruler" and "eraser" in the studio, about 8" x 5". April 24, 2016.

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