"Wine Saturday" brought the Wine Team to Doukenie Winery in Purcellville, Virginia, where the nectar flows freely and the tiny grapes are just starting to form on the vines. Doukenie was founded by a Greek family; the name "Doukenie" means "Duchess" and refers to the original matriarch of the family who came over to the USA to seek a better life. The old buildings and manor house are surrounded by bright green foliage and vineyards. We especially enjoyed Doukenie's white wines including their Sauvignon Blanc.
This winery drawing set is a bit more lavish than my usual sketches because it will be a gift to a good friend of mine who has helped me in my recent family and house ordeals. It has been scanned and added to the collection which I hope will be published some time next year.
Original drawing is ink and colored pencil, 11" x 9", June 18, 2016. Click for larger view. Happy summer solstice, wine-sippers! For me, this is the best time of year.
Down on the Farm with Pyra... amazing as always, I wish I could make buildings as alive and with personality like you can.