Monday, August 15, 2016

Gothic Utility Shed

I go by this building just about every day. It is a storage shed for utility and maintenance equipment. Many years ago when I moved into the apartment complex this space was a basketball court but it attracted gang activity and after an incident that nearly turned into a riot the court was removed and this building was placed there instead. It is made of modules of aluminum and its shape is referred to as "gothic," due to its pointed roof line. I love the idea of a gothic chapel of landscaping equipment.

While I was drawing this sketch (and sweating profusely in 90+ degrees heat) a young man came up to the step I was sitting on and admired the drawing. He didn't know any English and I know almost no Spanish but I got the idea from him that he wanted to take a picture of the drawing with his camera phone. So I displayed it to him and he got the picture. This happens a lot when I draw in public, now that everyone has a phone which is equipped with a camera.

Black tech pen ink on sketchbook page, 6 1/2" x 4", August 14, 2016.

I missed blogging yesterday, that is, August 14. I drew but did not blog. I blame the Olympics which I cannot resist watching, and it took up my time and made me forget about everything. I apologize even if you never noticed my little failure. 

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