Saturday, September 10, 2016

Ball Head and Many Photographs

I suppose he, or more likely she, is my version of the sad-comic space robot "Wall-E," but I've never seen the movie. I've certainly seen pictures of the character though. Maybe someday I'll see "Wall-E" the movie. I collect images of what I call "Industrial and Scientific Structures" which always inspire me to make fanciful art.

I brought home hundreds of photographs from the old house and my apartment is already filled with photographs, mostly slides. I wish digital photography had been invented sooner and then I'd just have a few hard discs with thousands of photos on them. But now I am digitizing old photos from paper, negatives, and slides and I have boxes and boxes of them already with me. I have banned photographs from this blog (except under rare circumstances) so you won't have to see any of these images. I also have hundreds of printed postcards. Most of the postcards depict ancient and medieval art and architecture and they are part of my research resources. I collected them in Europe and just looking at them brings back the experience of being in the places depicted: Baroque churches with an insane amount of detail, Medieval cloisters where I can still hear the birds and the fountains, and mosaics from the Byzantine era. Some of these are either duplicates or no longer relevant and I will give them away. They are not valuable as collectibles but someone will appreciate them.

Black tech pen ink on sketchbook page, finished in Photoshop, 3 1/2" x 4 1/2", September 10, 2016.

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