Yet another Lythande illustration? OK, this is the last one. Really. You won't have to put up with Marion Zimmer Bradley's character any more. Just to note, Lythande in the illustration is contemplating a burnt-out broken magical sword, when she must try to rid a village of a destructive zombie. Note the spying eyes in the background.
My "engraving" style will be used to illustrate something else. Let's hope that no one tries to write fan fiction about this character. The "Fantasy Magazine" is long gone and Marion has also gone to join her heroes and villains in the imaginal world. Where are my own characters, the techno-wizards of Noantriworld? They are in the hundreds of post cards of ancient edifices, sculptures, and city scenes, on the shores of Sicily watching Stromboli erupt.
Black ink on illustration board, 8" x8", March 1994.
Love the look and how you did it! I have always liked the very strong light source and dark background design in art. Really wonderful.