Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Flying with the Vultures

Just before the Internet exploded into our world, some fans who knew other fans in other countries asked me to do a cover for a science fiction fan magazine they were starting up: 
"International SF/Media Review." I could do anything I wanted for the cover, so I did a science-fictional adventure theme involving flying people with anti-grav packs, surprising vultures in the air. The zine was to be shared among a circle including Canadian, British, and possibly French and German readers. I did the cover, pictured here, but only a few issues of the magazine were ever published. Within a year, maybe two, the Internet would globalize our lives far more than any paper mag taking two weeks to get to England. 

Black ink on heavy "Stonehenge" illustration paper, 8" x 10", August 1991. Click for a larger view. (Click what? What is this thing you call a "mouse?" Is Windows really the future?) 

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