Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Every artist has to do one of these. If they are in New England, where I grew up, if you're an artist, you have to paint at least one lighthouse. If you're in the Southwest, you gotta paint at least one howling coyote and saguaro cactus. If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area, then you gotta do the Golden Gate Bridge. But if you are a genteel indoor-type artist like me most of the time, it's crockery and flowers. I've already painted plenty of flower images so I've got that one covered. When I saw this piece at a local cafe I knew I must have it so I bought it and added it to my collection of Orange Stuff. The catch was, I would have to draw its picture. So here it is, the Orange Teapot. There's this sort of strainer cup inside it which I gather is not for drinking out of but for putting loose tea in. The tab on the cap fits in a hole which anchors the tea strainer so it won't fall off and spill your tea when you move the pot. What to put in it? Orange Pekoe, of course.
Black tech pen ink, markers, and a bit of Photoshopperei, 4" x 3", October 26, 2016. This also satisfies the requirement for freshly done Art By-Product.
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