Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Spellcoats Cover

During thee 1980s I did most of the covers for the DarkoverCon program books. In 1985 the literary Guest of Honor was British author Diana Wynne Jones, who was a good friend and whose books I greatly enjoyed. I chose the cover image to illustrate Wynne Jones' "The Spellcoats," which takes place in an analog of Bronze Age northern Europe. The main character, depicted in the drawing, can weave magical spells into textiles and I depicted the program titles as woven spell-words.

Diana was mainly a "young adult" writer but "Y.A." stories are now considered appropriate reading for all ages. They are a welcome break from mainstream "adult" writing steeped in explicit sex and brutal violence. 

Image is black ink on illustration board, about 7" x 10", August 1985.

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