Monday, November 7, 2016

Horsefeathers part 6

I had to practice my horse drawing to do the "Horse Tamer's Daughter" sequence. I have numerous picture books about horses but I was not able to draw any live ones. Later on in Virginia I've had the opportunity to do a few sketches from life and would like to do more. Darkover's image is firmly rooted in 19th century Romanticism as the author MZB was a very well-read lady in books like Blackmore's "Lorna Doone" and the works of Sir Walter Scott. This song is in the neo-folk tradition of story ballads. I must admit I've never read any of these books, I'm just an illustrator and with the Horse Tamer set I didn't even have an art director.

The top illustration shows Epona riding (with no saddle or bridle) one of her group of horses to the ruined Tower. The lower illustration shows the oppressive wizards on their own mounts advancing upon the remote village.

Black ink on illustration board, various sizes, summer 1984.

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