Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Artsy Holiday Card

I send out holiday cards every Christmas/Solstice. I make them by hand or design them for printing. This year I am making them by hand, using acrylic paint on black textured paper. Each year I choose a Theme Color or Theme Color Combination which will be my "color accent" for the upcoming year. The color scheme for 2016 was a bright green streaked with yellow which just didn't work. The color scheme/design for 2017 is black with brown/tan and silvery white. Each card is different so what you see here is unique. Some of them are better than others. I added a "winter" motif with white splashes of paint which I later turned into snowflakes. The soft white is added with spray paint. The card opens up to a blank page of black on which I write my holiday regards in white ink. There is no religious content.

I usually end up sending about 20 to 25 cards. I am still making them and whatever cards I send by now will arrive after Christmas and into the new year. If you want one I can send you it but you will have to send me your postal address either by e-mail or Facebook.

2016-2017 holiday card is acrylic on black paper, about 5" x 6", December 2016.

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