Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Odd Little Concept Cars

"Concept cars" don't have to be sleek and shiny and smooth-lined. There are the muscle cars with big tires, the super-expensive billionairemobiles, and the futuristic electric-powered vehicles. But when some friends challenged me to create some concept cars, I went to a different idea altogether. My concept cars are biomorphic. They are inspired by living things, going further than just calling itself a "Beetle" as Volkswagen did. Here at the top are two versions of the "Escargot." Based on molluscs, it bends in the middle to get in and out of narrow parking spaces. Sensors on its antennae pick up traffic patterns or bad drivers to avoid. Front view, at right.

The "HoolaRoof" is inspired by tropical fish. Its convertible roof opens up like a set of fins to give a ride in the open air, or a beach umbrella. Your surfboard will fit in the open space. The HoolaRoof comes in a variety of brilliant colors. The two antennae in the rear, like those of the Escargot, sense anomalies in traffic flow, and also can look for parking spaces near the surf shop or tiki bar.

Black technical pen ink on sketchbook page. Upper image, about 4" x 2". Lower image, about 3"x 2" . December 27, 2016.

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