Sunday, December 25, 2016

Our Lady of the Cosmos - Happy Holidays

You may have seen this icon of mine on my other blog or even at a convention. It's my cosmic version of the Byzantine icon "Our Lady of the Way," or in Greek, "Hodigitria."  The Byzantine prototype of this is “She who shows the way.” The Virgin Mary holding the Christ Child points with her free hand to her child, who will grow up to be the “Way, the Truth, and the Life.” The colors are all brown, blue and silver and black, the colors of Earth, Atmosphere, and Space. Curved lines are derived from conic sections and particle trails. I designed it as a visual reconciliation between science and religion. 

Yes, as a Christmas Madonna the holy child is too old. He's a toddler I guess, not a newborn. Nevertheless, this is the correct pattern for this icon. And may all you cosmic friends of mine have a serene, happy, and creative Christmas and Hanukkah, or whatever Winter-Solstice celebrations you enjoy.

Acrylic on hardboard, 12" x 16", 2002. Click on image for larger view. Prints are available.

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