Sunday, January 29, 2017

My Cabinet Choices

When it comes to picking Cabinet choices, I want the very best. So I go to my advisors at Winding Road Cellars where I can find quality appointees who will perform well at state dinners as well as daily briefing sessions and working lunches. Unlike the current occupant of the position, I take a more dignified and presidential approach to my nominees. I welcome Ms. Viognier for Department of Commerce, Mr. Frank Cabernet for Department of Defense, and especially Mr. Chambourcin, with his combination of French and American roots, as Secretary of State. These and others are fit for service at the Winding Road Lodge where I can spend a Saturday tasting and evaluating my cabinet ideas and plans.

Sepia brown tech pen ink on sketchbook page, 7 1/2" x 7 1/2", January 27, 2017.

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