Monday, February 13, 2017

Geometrikon Brigid marker colors

Here's another version of my "Geometrika Brigid," honoring the Irish saint. The first one, here, was colored in digital format, but this one is hand-tinted using water-based markers. I have a large collection of them and I don't use them enough, so I'll be using them for Geometrika. The marker brush tips add in more texture than the digital flat areas. Since the marker dye colors fade, it's best to keep the drawings inside a sketchbook. By the way as an old Greek scholar I know that the singular of "Geometrika" is "geometrikon" so when creating single designs I call one a "geometrikon." Digital or marker, I might present them both.

Black ink on sketchbook page, colored with water-based markers, 3 1/2" x 4 1/2", February 2017.

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