For no reason I can think of, Reality has been sending me ocean images, whether it's the visual loop at my favorite internet radio station "Radio Spiral," or a radio hearing of Debussy's "Three Nocturnes: Sirenes" or a comic book starring anthropomorphic sharks and tiger pirates. I've seen a lot of old beach images from the family archive too. So I did some Photoshop experimentation with large curves and splash colors and here it is. Not a "Geometrikon" nor a "K-series," it's just an experiment. What is "Wavening?" It's not a real word. I made it up combining "Wave" and "Evening." I wouldn't mind visiting the seashore sometime, it's been a long time since I saw the real thing.
Photoshop on main desktop station, 9" x 7", February 8, 2017.
That's deep man.