Thursday, April 13, 2017

Inhuman Wedding

The "Inhumans" are a genetically engineered form of humanity where just about everyone is a freak. They are ruled over by a super-powered royal family whose current King is "Black Bolt," an awesomely powerful guy who can level buildings with his supersonic voice. You can read about these folks at my previous posting here. The "Inhumans" are in my opinion one of the most underrated story lines in the Marvel Universe.

The story called for Black Bolt to marry another super-hero, Medusa, whose animated super-hair (red, of course) can do fabulous things and can be used as a weapon. My fanzine client gave me the comic book in which the wedding story took place, and told me to draw the couple, re-designing Medusa's wedding gown. They are accompanied by their friend, "Lockjaw," a huge bulldog who can teleport people and things. I incorporated as many royal details and freaky citizens as I could.

Original art is ink on illustration board, 8 1/2" x 11", December 1985. Click on the image to see a larger view.

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